The Child Health Information Service liaises across care settings, agencies and regions to ensure that children and young people in their local population receive all the care and services that they are entitled to, for example:
- Childhood Vaccination & Immunisations
- GP Practices - GPs and Practice Nurses
- Health Visiting Teams
- Independent Midwives
- Local Authorities
- Maternity Departments
- Midwives
- New-born and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE)
- New-born Bloodspot
- New-born Hearing Screening
- Other Child Health Information Services
- Safeguarding Teams
- School Nursing Teams
- Social Services
This forms part of the Public Health England’s Healthy Child Programme which aims to bring together health, education and other main partners to deliver an effective programme for prevention and support and aims to meet the objectives set out in the National Child Health Digital Strategy, which are:
- Knowing where every child is
- Knowing how healthy each child is
- Enabling the appropriate sharing of information for each child
The Service will be responsible for all children and young people aged 0-19 years (or 0-25 years old for children and young people with a disability). They will ensure that key information on a child’s health is available to their parents, any professionals involved in their care and for public health purposes.
The North West London service will cover approximately 464,000 0-19 year olds; with the South East London service covering approximately 490,000 0-19 year olds.
Areas Covered


GP Practice poster for patient notice boards North West London and South East London
Child Health Information Service Privacy Notice
Contact Details
North West London CHIS
Email: hil.nwlchis@nhs.net
Mainline: 020 3740 9482
Address: Unit 301, 3rd Floor, Metroline House, 118-122 College Road, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 1BQ
ODS Code DF905
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:30pm;
Saturday 8.30am to 12 noon
Send us a message
South East London CHIS
Email: hil.selchis@nhs.net
Mainline: 01322 518 292
Address: Thames Innovation Centre, 2 Veridion Way, Erith, Kent, DA18 4AL
ODS Code DF906
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:30pm;
Saturday 8.30am to 12 noon